Sports & Wellness Nutrition Services
Review the Q and A below to assist you in understanding what to expect while working with the Sports & Wellness Nutrition Services.
Where are nutrition services performed?
The Nutrition Services are tailored to your routine and schedule. The sessions can occur at your training facility, business location, or even via video chatting sessions through Video Conferencing.
How many sessions are needed?

Sessions are determined by your personal nutrition goals. Once a nutrition care plan is created the perfect amount of sessions will be suggeted to assist you in acheiving sucess. Typically, you can expect an initial nutrition assessment and a minium of four to five nutrition follow ups.
How long are sessions?
Initial nutrition assessments willl take one hour. Most follow ups will be completed within 45 minutes. Group sessions depending on topic and needs can be provided for 30 to 60 minutes.
What outcomes can I expect?
Expected outcomes include but are not limited to: improved body composition, increase in power and endurance, reduced fatigue, enhanced immune system, increased sense of wellbeing, increased awareness of foods' positive role in your life. Personal outcomes will vary based on each individual's level of adherence to the recommended nutrition therapy program.
© 2014 by Sports Nutrition & Wellness Solutions, LLC.